

Welcome in the Masquerade Domain

The guild has been formed on ToD (Wotlk) server on the Horde side, from the breakdown of the
"Warbringerz" guild. The creator and guild master from this day, till now is Ruljin (vide Allaya)
After so called "fall" of ToD, the guild moved to the Alliance force on Sunwell (WotLK) server
where we played till the server has been shut. Our story bringed us again on the rebirthed ToD
server, that has been turned off not so long after it started. From then, were playing on the side
of the Horde on the Gamer's District server.

We're a PvE guild. PvP isn't forbidden, but it's not our main priority. We're a guild with a
professional approach to this type of gamestyle and our experience, skills and knowledge about
classes and raid's about WotLK content can confirm it.

Don't wait - Join us today!